College Profile

Northern Bay College is a Prep to Year 12 college in the northern suburbs of Geelong in the Australian state of Victoria. The College is a multi campus school delivering across five sites in Corio and Norlane. Four campuses are Prep to Year 8 and our central senior campus is Year 9 to Year 12 education.

Our five campuses have compelted a 13 year regeneration program to fully modernise each site, and provide students with environmentally designed flexible learning spaces. Each campus has attractive and sustainable grounds and all weather playing fields. We are also proud to have a College Family Learning Centre where we run a Kindergarten service, childcare, family and playgroups program from our central campus, Goldsworthy 9-12.

We have a strong focus on pathways from early learning to further education and employment

Our Community

We have a vibrant multicultural community joining a wide cross section of new and long term residents. The college is proud to have a large cohort of families of First Nations heritage. Skilled staff support a growing number of Culturally and Linguistically Diverse students and families, many of these being refugees.

Our Inclusive School