Multicultural Education

Our community is enriched by its large population of students whose first language is not English. The rich tapestry of peoples from all over the world provides our community with many positives. It is our mission to provide the best possible education outcomes for all students.

Outstanding Support at Northern Bay College

In order to better teach and inform, both students and families, the college has significant numbers of staff dedicated to this work. In addition to teachers qualified to teach English as an Additional Language (EAL), there are a team of Multicultural Education Aides (MEAs) who have language skills covering our predominant family languages. Dari, Persian, Arabic, Karen, Karenni and Swahili. The EAL team is led by the College EAL Coordinator who can be contacted on the College email.

Several major cultural events focus all college community members' attention on our valued multicultural community including Multicultural Diversity Week, Harmony Day and Refugee Week.

The College has 3 major focus points

EAL - English as an addition language

MEA support - Multicultural Education Assistants

Refugee Support