We also aim to meet the diverse educational needs of every student with stimulating and valuable learning experiences.
The core subjects that our students undertake are English, Mathematics, Science, The Arts, Humanities, Health and Physical Education and SEED sport.
Students participate in a wide range of literacy activities designed to strengthen engagement and knowledge around written and visual texts. Text Studies take centre stage of the reading program to develop skills in text analysis particularly character traits and themes. Development of reading and comprehension strategies through conferencing are also a major part of the reading program. In the writing curriculum students use a genre based approach to extend and develop their writing skills in line with the curriculum.
The English as an Additional Language (EAL) Program provides students from Culturally and Linguistically Diverse (CALD) backgrounds access to targeted literacy support through specialised classes taught by highly skilled EAL teachers. Students are further supported within mainstream classes by Multicultural Education Aides (MEAs).
Maths Pathway
Maths Pathway combines a range of teaching methods and classroom practices with an online learning environment to support individualised learning for each student. With Maths Pathway, teachers have the tools and the time to address each student's individual learning needs. This includes developing their problem solving, independent learning, and group work skills, and helping students develop a growth mindset towards their mathematics learning.
The power of Maths Pathways is that once there is an overall picture of a student’s current capacities, students can access and learn new content at a level that is appropriate for them.
Students in Year 7/8 have the opportunity to participate in a range of programs designed to support and extend their personal interests. Some of the exceptional programs offered are:
Geelong Industry and Trade Training Centre- 2 hours a week to experience technology based subjects in a world class trade training environment
SEED sport- 2 hours a week of sport ran by accredited coaches
SEED- enhancement for sport
IMPACT- enhancement for all areas of the Art curriculum